free fire game best name

free fire game best name

B. inggris tolong susun dialog ini​

tolong susun dialog ini​


Dialog 1 :

Prita : I saw a billboard showing the picture of the winner of mas and mbak contest on the way to school interestingly. I think I know the young woman. is she your elder sister?

Ryan : She is

Prita: Wow! That's wonderful! congratulations!

Ryan : Thanks

Prita : As the winner she has a great responsibility in representing this town, especially in tourism

Ryan : You're right. during the test she had to present her vision and mission. My sister has an idea to develop tourist object in our town

Prita : When will the coronation be?

Ryan : Next week

Prita : I do hope she can do her duties well

Ryan : I hope so, thanks

Dialog 2

Indah : Congratulation! you've finally finished your studies. Now, you are a doctor

Bara : Thanks

Indah : will you work soon after graduation ?

Bara : I Won't. I am going to take a specialist degree

Indah : you will continue your studies?

Bara : That's my plan. I want to be a cardiologist

Indah : Why are you interested in it?

Bara : You know, our father suffers from heart disease for years. that's why I want to treat him with my own hand

Indah : What a noble purpose! Good luck, brother!

Bara : Thanks for your prayer
